Our deluxe beermaking equipment kit includes all of the items that make up our basic kit, plus a basic hydrometer for taking potential gravity readings, an immersible thermometer to monitor the temp of your brew, a mesh bag for grains or hops, brush and cleansers needed for cleaning and maintaining your equipment, a food-grade plastic funnel to transfer your beer from kettle to fermenter, and a bottle filler.
Kit includes:
- 6 Gallon Plastic Carboy
- 6 Gallon Bucket & Spigot for bottling
- 5' Siphon Hose
- Racking Tube w/Clip
- Bottle Filling Tube
- 8" Funnel
- Hydrometer w/Jar
- Thermometer
- Nylon Grain Bag
- Bottle Brush
- Airlock & Stopper w/hole
- Cleanser & Sanitizer
- Hand Capper**
- 1/2 lb of Bottle Caps (~100+)
- Brewing Book